This single message containing multiple source messages is known as a message collection. 包含多个源消息的这个单一消息称为消息集合。
Construct a new message using the source of the incoming message ( inmsg. from) and your response string. 使用传入消息(inmsg.from)和响应字符串创建一个新的消息。
How can a client ensure the delivery of a SOAP message when the source or destination endpoints become temporarily unavailable ( for example, when a server is unexpectedly restarted)? 源或目标端点暂时不可用时(例如,服务器意外重启时),客户机如何确保SOAP消息传送?
Implementations generally append context to the application message at the source in order to establish the execution environment at the target. 实现一般会在源代码中将上下文附加在应用程序消息后面,以在目标处建立执行环境。
A message arrives from an external source and triggers processing in a ESB flow. 一条消息来自外部源并触发ESB流中的处理流程。
This method transfers a single message from the source to the target JMS queue at each invocation. 该方法在每次调用时将一条消息从源JMS队列传递给目标JMS队列。
The request injector component checks this indicator prior to the retrieval of a message from the source MQ Manager. 在从源MQManager获取消息之前,请求注入器组件将检查这个指示器。
Please retain the IBM Copyright message in each source file. 请在每个源代码中维护IBM的版权信息。
At its heart, D-BUS is a peer-to-peer protocol& every message has a source and a destination. 本质上,D-BUS是一个对等(peer-to-peer)的协议&每个消息都有一个源和一个目的。
The message flow source is provided for the samples and can be easily used to explore the many WebSphere Message Broker V6.1 features. 为这些示例提供了消息流源,并且可以方便地用来探索WebSphereMessageBrokerV6.1的许多功能。
This communication occurs within the message stanza and includes the source and destination XMPP addresses ( from and to), the language used, and a message contained within the body of the stanza. 这个通信在消息节中进行,并且包括了源和目标XMPP地址(from和to)、使用的语言以及节正文中的消息。
For example, it declares whether message elements should go in headers rather than in the body of the message ( source: MSDN Library, cited in Resources). 例如,它宣布了哪些信息元素应该位于报头,而不是信息实体中(来源:MSDNLibrary,在Resources中引用)。
This papaer analyses the causes of mistranslation of business terms from two aspects: getting the true message from the source language ( English) and diction of the target language ( Chinese). 从理解和表达两个方面,分析了商务术语汉译时出现错误的原因,并对纠正误译的相应对策进行了探讨。
A terminal that can transmit and receive traffic. In communication theory, that part of a communication system that connects the message source with the message sink. 在通信理论中,指通信系统中连接信息源和信息接收器的部分。
Long billion Internet Message version of the JSP is a rare message board open source development. 亿龙电脑网留言本JSP版,是留言板开发不可多得的开发源码。
An IP spoof attack is when the message originator forces a source IP address other than the correct one into a packet ip哄骗攻击是消息发送人强迫一个源ip地址(不是正当的)进入一个信息包时发生的
To transmit the cultural message of the source language precisely, it is necessary to make appropriate compromise and compensation in the process of cultural transplantation. 为了准确传递原语的文化信息,在文化移植的过程中,必要的妥协和补偿手段势在必行。
When you add a name or e-mail address to this list, outlook moves any incoming message from that source to the junk e-mail folder. 在向此列表中添加姓名或电子邮件地址时,outlook会将来自该来源的任何传入邮件移动到“垃圾电子邮件”文件夹中。
Analysis and Discussion to Emulation Technology of Power Line Communication Message Source Encode 电力线通信信源编码仿真技术的分析与探讨
NVC involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver. 非言语行为包括言语行为之外的一切由人类和环境所产生的刺激,这些刺激对于信息发出和接受者都具有潜在信息价值或意义。
This paper discussed the based theory of modulation method, demodulation method, the constitution of message source, technological form of signal and pseudo code position of the new-typed system. 详细的讨论了新型NAVTEX系统所采用的调制解调方式、信源的建立、信号的技术格式、伪距导航定位原理等基本的理论。
Selectivity of message based on source; 基于源的消息选择;
The algorithm requires that source node have part message, that is, the shortest delay path message from source node to every node. 算法要求源节点具有局部信息,即源节点到每个目的节点的时延最短路径信息。
The ultimate objective of idiom translation demands the accurate accomplishment of message conversion between source language and target language to the utmost both in terms of contents and meanings. 习语翻译的最终目的要求尽可能地从内容和意义上准确实现不同译语间的信息转换。
In design of communication system, conditional probability is applied to assure the best receiving condition and transmit the messages of message source in the message channel with yawps and disturbance in order to minimize the error probability when the message reach the destination. 在通信系统的设计中,应用条件概率,确定最佳接收条件,使信源的消息在有噪声和干扰存在的信道中传输,信息到达目的地后产生的错误概率为最小。
From hearing the message of the source language to speaking out the message in the target language, the act of interpretation seems very natural; however, it is the most unique linguistic communication among human beings, and it is peculiar to them. 口译行为从听到原语到说出目的语看似自然,却是人类最独特的言语传播行为,为人类所独有。
Both of their theories were put forward for filling the traps in understanding. Their theories, though, proposed from different angles, are still important and efficient for the translator to decode the implicit message contained in the source language text. 尽管他们的理论提出的角度不同,但都可以用来避免掉进文本理解方面的陷阱,因此这些理论对译者解码原语文本中的隐性信息极为重要。
It requires the translator not only to transfer the semantic message of the source text in the most accurate sense, but also to retain the national flavor to the highest degree by deciding on one or more applicable translation strategies to reproduce the closest natural equivalents. 它要求译者不仅要以准确的语言来传递源文本中的语义信息,而且需要译者决定用一种或几种可用的翻译策略来再现最紧密的自然的对等,以便在最大程度上保留民族的韵味。
For a particular industry, extracting and reasonably storing these merchandise information is of great significance for helping people quickly get the information they needed or taking it as the message source for enterprise competitive intelligence system. 面向特定行业,抽取并合理保存这些商品信息,对于帮助人们快速获取所需的信息或作为企业竞争情报系统的情报来源,具有重要的意义。
Secondly, we should improve internal administration structure of listed company in order to prevent false accounting message from source. 第二从上市公司本身入手,改进其内部治理结构,从源头上制约不实会计信息的产生。